Episode 6: "Tracking Outcomes in Community Mental Health" with Robbie-Babins Wagner, PhD

Robbie-Babins Wagner, PhD
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Robbie Babins-Wagner, PhD has contributed to the mental health field as a clinician, researcher, teacher, and manager. She is CEO of the Calgary Counseling Center, widely recognized as a leading institution in accessible, evidence-based, community mental health care. She is also an adjunct professor in the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Calgary, and serves on the board of directors for PolicyWise. She has conducted leading research on Counseling Outcomes, Social Finance, and Social Innovation, and has received several awards, including the University of Calgary Alumni Achievement Award and the 2017 Grant MacEwan Lifetime Achievement Award.

In this episode, Bruce talks to Robbie about her experience directing the Calgary Counseling Center, specifically about her decision to make Measurement-Based Care mandatory for all clinicians employed at the center and the exciting results that are emerging from their efforts to track client outcomes.

Learn more about the Calgary Counseling Center at https://calgarycounselling.com/

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